
Archive for January, 2008

From Charlie Calvert’s Community Blog:

The next version of Visual Studio will provide a common infrastructure that will enable all .NET languages, including C#, to optionally resolve names in a program at runtime instead of compile time.
[…] C# developers can currently use reflection to instantiate classes and call arbitrary methods that are not known at compile time. The dynamic extensions to the C# language will make it much easier to make such calls.

The C# team’s plans for the actual syntax are still evolving. For example, they are pondering over the introduction of a dynamic keyword to mark code blocks inside which this feature would be activated. So, for instance, we could have:


Where the foo() method would not have to be declared anywhere. The variable myObject could just be declared to be of type object, and this would compile.

In dynamic object-oriented languages such as Objective-C, Smalltalk or Ruby, this feature is the default and is a tremendous source of simplicity and power. If this can be grafted without too much problems or crippling (how is it going to interact with the existing rules such as overriding, how will it handle absent methods at run-time, etc.) this could be a giant leap forward for C#.

And then, I expect to see it discussed for inclusion in Java soon.

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One of the oldest inter-application communication technologies in Mac OS X is provided by the Services menu. Actually, services have been there since the very first version of the OS, when it was still called NeXTStep:

The services facility allows an application to make use of the services of other applications without knowing in advance what those services might be.

For example, a text editing application lets the system know that it's willing to" provide plain ASCII text or rich text (RTF) on the pasteboard any time there is a selection. Any service-providing application is then able to receive that text and act upon it. A service-providing application could thus provide such services as grammar checking, encryption, reformatting, language translation, conversion to speech, or any number of useful functions. Service-providing applications can also place data back on the pasteboard to be received by the main application.

In this way, data can be seamlessly exchanged between applications, and any application can extend the functionality of many others.

Xendai Solutions has just released the latest version of Bellhop (v. 1.0.5), an application that makes it super easy to create and publish services using F-Script (as well as other languages including AppleScript, Perl, Python and Ruby). Bellhop can be used for free, and you are encouraged to make a donation if you like the product. The application comes with excellent documentation and is fun to use.

To experiment with it, I've created three services so far:

  • The first one is very simple and consists in capitalizing the selected text.
  • The second one is more useful: it creates a new task in iCal named after the selected text, using of the Calendar Store framework introduced by Apple in Leopard.
  • The third one is fun, and demonstrates that services are in no way limited to working with textual data: it takes a list of numbers, creates a nice looking chart using these numbers and returns the chart as an image in the original application.

The Capitalize Words Service

This service is used as a basic example in Bellhop's documentation. As usual, we have full access to Cocoa from F-Script. For this service, we make use of the capitalized method provided by NSString. Here is the code that we can enter in the Bellhop graphical editor:

" Sample F-Script service to capitalize all words in the currently
  selected text. This service might be labeled 'Capitalize Words'
  in the Services menu. "

runService := [ :aPasteboard | 
    "Read string from the pasteboard"    
    pbString := Pasteboard readStringOfType:NSStringPboardType forPasteboard:aPasteboard.
    "Capitalize string properly"
    pbString := pbString capitalizedString.
    "Declare returned data type on pasteboard and write it back"
    Pasteboard declareTypes:{NSStringPboardType} forPasteboard:aPasteboard.
    Pasteboard writeString:pbString ofType:NSStringPboardType forPasteboard:aPasteboard.

The service configuration is also done using Bellhop:

Finally, the Bellhop document is saved in one of the directories that Bellhop scans automatically (e.g. the "Documents/Bellhop" subfolder in my home folder).

And, oh miracle, the Capitalize Words functionality is now available in other applications.

For example, I can select some text in an email message I’m editing, apply the service and have the selected text become capitalized.

But… My services menu is a mess!

By default, the services menu displays all the services available on your system, which often makes it much too crowded. This is where comes another nifty utility, Service Scrubber. This utility lets you fully customize the services menu. This is particularly useful for removing services that you never use (typically, a lot), or associating keyboard shortcuts to some services.

The New Task Service

This service uses the selected text to create a new task in iCal. To that end, it makes use of a new framework introduced in Leopard, the Calendar Store framework:

Calendar Store is a framework that allows Cocoa applications to access iCal data. You can fetch iCal records?such as calendars, events, and tasks?and receive notifications when these records change in iCal. You can also make some local changes to records and save them to the Calendar Store database.

The CalTask and CalCalendarStore classes we use for implementing the service are provided by the Calendar Store framework. They take care of communicating with the Calendar Store Server which manage the Calendar database:

Here is the F-Script code for our service:

runService := [ :aPasteboard | 
    "Read string from the pasteboard"    
    pbString := Pasteboard readStringOfType:NSStringPboardType forPasteboard:aPasteboard.
    "Load the Calendar Store framework"
    (NSBundle bundleWithPath:'/System/Library/Frameworks/CalendarStore.framework') load.    
    "Create and configure the task"
    task := CalTask task.
    task setTitle:pbString.
    task setCalendar:(CalCalendarStore defaultCalendarStore calendars objectAtIndex:0).
    "Save the task in the calendar store"
    CalCalendarStore defaultCalendarStore saveTask:task error:nil.

The "New Task" service is now available in other applications. For example, I can select some text in Safari…

…and then activate the service. The selected text is immediately saved in the system-wide calendar database, and appears in the tasks panel of iCal:

Thanks to services, I shall not screw up my next telepathy session like last time.

The Line Chart Service

This service creates a chart from the selected list of numbers (the numbers must be separated by spaces). The chart is created using the Google Chart Web Service. You'll find more about using this Web service with F-Script in Google Chart API Fun with Cocoa and F-Script.

runService := [ :aPasteboard |  
    "Read string from the pasteboard"    
    pbString := Pasteboard readStringOfType:NSStringPboardType forPasteboard:aPasteboard.
    "Parse the string to get the numbers"    
    values := (pbString componentsSeparatedByString:' ') doubleValue.
    "Construct the call to the Google Chart Web service"    
    max := values \ #max: .
    scaledValuesString := values * 100 / max componentsJoinedByString:','.
    chartString := 'http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=lc&chs=250x150&chxt=y&chxr=0,0,' ++ max printString ++'&chd=t:' ++ scaledValuesString.
    escapedChartString := chartString stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding.
    "Call Google Chart and create an NSImage with the result"    
    image := NSImage alloc initWithContentsOfURL:(NSURL URLWithString:escapedChartString).
    "Declare returned data type on pasteboard and put the image in TIFF format" 
    Pasteboard declareTypes:{NSTIFFPboardType} forPasteboard:aPasteboard.
    Pasteboard writeData:image TIFFRepresentation ofType:NSTIFFPboardType forPasteboard:aPasteboard.

Then, all we have to do is to tell Bellhop that the service accepts a string, returns a TIFF image and is active. We can now use the service in applications that supports such images. Here is an example with TextEdit (editing a document in RTFD format). Before using the service…

And after…

That's all for today. Enjoy!

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The “great dynamic languages shootout” organized at OOP 2008 is over. The winner is Thorsten Seitz using Smalltalk and the Seaside Web application framework.

The second place goes to Mirko Stocker with JRuby and the third place to Robert Brandner with Lua.

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In F-Script, everything is an object, including C pointers, which are represented by FSPointer instances. In previous versions, we had to dereference them explicitly with the at: method in order to look at the content of the referenced memory. Exploration is made much easier in F-Script 2.0: when possible, the object browser now automatically displays the content of the memory.

For some pointers, F-Script uses the malloc_size() function to determine the size of the memory block to display. Thus, it might display memory contents that extend past the end of the memory block actually requested by the application at allocation time. In this case, some items at the end of the displayed content will just be the random values that happen to be there in memory.

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CocoaCast Episode 40 is out. Philippe Guitard introduces F-Script and shows you how to embed it in your Cocoa applications.

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Three in a row

Andrew Weinrich has just released a bunch of cool stuff for F-Script. From Andrew's announcement:

  • FSClass 3.0 allows you to create new classes in F-Script, without writing them in Objective-C. Version 3.0 has a rewritten internal structure, better support for adding methods to compiled classes, and a more transparent class creation system.
  • fscript Command-Line Tool 2.0 lets you run F-Script programs from a terminal prompt, and includes many additional classes and features that are useful for general-purpose system scripting. Version 2.0 has bug fixes, improved compatibility and help system, and an updated, integrated regular expression engine.
  • Flint 0.1 is an experimental program analysis tool that finds common errors in F-Script programs, such as type mismatches, mispelled method names, and use of uninitialized variables.

All three tools require Mac OS X 10.5 and F-Script 2.0a or later.

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The HyperJeff Network, home of the famous OSX Applications List, makes use of Cocoa and F-Script for dynamically generating some of its Web content, including the OSX Page:

The code behind this homepage was originally made a long time ago and just updated now and again, but such code just gets more and more convoluted and less flexible with age. So I used the new template engine I’ve been working on and converted this page to be driven by F-Script. A fun test. The same amount of lines as the old PHP version, but much cleaner. It now even loads twice as fast as before. Heck, it’s even valid xhtml 1.1 finally.


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Skorpiostech has just released a beta of Changes, a new tool of interest to all Mac OS X developers.

TUAW provides an interesting review of this new tool:

Changes is an app designed to simplify project synchronization and differencing for groups or individuals working locally or remotely. It provides a GUI and an impressive list of features for an initial release, including MacFuse support, Subversion and other SCM integration, a TextMate bundle and a command line utility.

[Read more here]

Changes comes built-in with a complete F-Script environment for exploration and application extension. Also interesting is the GUI of Changes and its use of Core Animation.

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New Smalltalk Book

Some of the best Smalltalk practitioners have teamed-up to provide a great introduction to Smalltalk and the Squeak environment: Squeak by Example.

The book helps you get started with A Quick Tour of Squeak and guides you through A First Application. The Smalltalk language is introduced in three chapters on Syntax in a Nutshell, Understanding Message Syntax and The Smalltalk Object Model.

Development with Squeak is covered in The Squeak Programming Environment and SUnit. Several of the key classes are presented in chapters on Basic Classes, Collections, Streams and Morphic.

The first edition of the book concludes with chapters on Classes and Metaclasses and Frequently Asked Questions.

The full book, which is about 300 pages, can be downloaded for free. A print-on-demand, softcover version is also available. Stephane Ducasse, one of the authors, told me recently that interest in the book is strong, with more than 11,000 downloads so far.

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